Seica Inc. will be exhibiting our new line of flying prober, the Pilot 4D line which will be represented at the show by the Pilot 4DV8 and Pilot FX. The Pilot 4D line represents the latest in technology in flying probe testing for both ICT, functional testing and data regeneration applications. The Pilot 4DV8 will show the latest features for automotive and LED light testing applications. Seica’s LED option will be show testing all key parameters of LEDs, such as the lumens, and intensity of several board mounted LEDs analyzed by Seica’s Viva software. In addition, Seica has also incorporated a sophisticated laser scanner for quick and accurate measurements of “bow and twist” and board topologies. The Pilot FX is Seica’s recently introduced full “bed of nails” (BON), flying grid tester. This system is set up for easy panel testing of circuits for high throughput with very easy swap out of test pins on an individual probe head assembly. In the area of high volume functional test and ICT test, Seica will introduce the state-of-the-art for power inverters test, the new Compact Multi Power, the green tester that may recycle up to 80% of the power used for testing a motor inverter, up to 24 kW. In addition an example of a Compact TK, showing the high performances provided by the Seica Compact Line for automotive test, where world class manufacturing standards have inspired Seica engineers in designing a comprehensive line of testers suitable for a modern lean production environment. Our small bench top ICT/functional line will also be showcased at the Seica booth called the MINI 80 and MINI 200, the smallest rack-mountable and powerful ATE, with full in-circuit and functional test capabilities enclosed in a box the same size of a DVD player. The MINI series tester can be used as a stand-alone or as add-on tool for more complex tester architectures. Last but not least, the Firefly LASER selective soldering system will also presented, with new enhanced software and more tools for high volume production in a clean environment