Seica SpA announces the enlargement in a new premise located in Strambino (Italy).
8 September 2015, Seica celebrates the opening of new premise 4, with its employees and local Authorities.
Tuesday 8 September was the official inauguration of the new Seica Spa premise, an area of 1,000 square meters which joins the other 3 premises of Seica Headquarters, for a total of 6,000 square meters. This is the representation of the results of investments made in new areas, started towards the end of 2014, and is a moment of celebration of the positive development path achieved in the latest years by Seica Group. Today, in fact, we no longer speak only of a company, but it is necessary to underline that, along with the 4 subsidiaries and 5 associated companies, the main business of global leader in design and manufacturing of test system has diversified into different territorial and strategic directions.
The President, Mr. Antonio Grassino, explains that the enlargement has been necessary in view of supporting Seica growth which has increased its sales over 27% in 2014, as well as the number of employees, which has increased by several units until counting, to date, 170 employees, divided between Italy and other international realities. Also for 2015 there are excellent prospects of further increase, both in terms of volumes and product range diversification, and the enlargement of spaces available has enabled to move the sales offices and customer care services in the new site, while reorganizing the other areas of the company and, specifically: logistics, production and research and development departments, in view of future developments.